Kids: Nursery

Each Sunday in the Nursery, our goal is to provide our youngest children a chance to interact with the truths of the gospel in a developmentally appropriate way, while maintaining a safe and secure environment. We are thrilled to provide foundational knowledge of the gospel and to partner with parents and families in discipleship throughout the rest of the week.

We are excited that you are interested in what God is doing, and we hope this information is helpful. Please contact us with any questions! 


We begin nursery check-in 10 minutes before each of our service times (8:30 AM, 10 AM, and 11:30 AM) each Sunday. Frontline Kids is located in the north wing of the building. Once you enter the building, make your way to the Kids' check-in area located in the atrium. Our team members will gather information about your child, such as allergies, birthdate, contact information, and any helpful tips about your child’s routine. You will receive a security sticker, which all parents must show to check out their child from our care. If your child needs you at any point during the service, we have a text messaging system in place to contact you.


The safety of our children is of utmost importance to us. All Kids team members are background checked and participate in training to keep your children safe. Once children arrive, we have at minimum two adults at all times in each of the rooms and hallways. And we also have a police officer on duty every Sunday, stationed in the Kids area.  


We want our kids to know that Jesus is the center of everything! Our curriculum is written by our Frontline Nursery Team and comes from the Beginners Gospel Story Bible, which points our kids to the centrality of Jesus in Scripture. Our hope is to reach every child with the gospel, which means that we strive to teach in a way that engages and activates different learning styles through crafts, songs, and sensory activities.


We offer baby dedications multiple times a year. While it does not replace salvation, dedicating your child before the congregation signifies your intentions to raise your children in the gospel. It is also a way for the church to come alongside parents to pray for, bolster, and resource you. To register for baby dedications, please click here: Baby Dedication Registration.


Our Frontline Kids Team invests in the children of Frontline by teaching, leading, and caring for them. We would love for you to join us! Click here to get started!


Online Resources:
JellyTelly: Shows, Movies, and Devotionals where God is Real
New City Catechism: Biblical Learning for the Entire Family

Beginners Gospel Story Bible
Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones, illustrated by Jago
This is the Gospel by Kids Read Truth
The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross by Carl Laferton, illustrated by Catalina Echeverri
The Connected Child by Dr. Karen Purvis